As many as you know I’ve been in and out of the hospital over the past year and a half. I did not want everybody worrying about me so I did not so anything. But now the time has come to let all of my family and friends know what is wrong with me. I have(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and it is not getting any better in fact it is getting worse. I’ve recently went to Temple Lung Center in Philadelphia to see if I had any options besides inhaler or steroids. After looking over my previous medical records from Christiana Care Health Center of Delaware and my Doctors, they have ruled out what is called lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS). Since my disease has progress much further than expected my second option is to have a double lung transplant. I will be going back to on March 9th to have a full battery of tests done to see if I qualify. Once the doctors review the test results they will make the decision to see if I qualify to be put on a waiting list for a bi lateral lung transplant. Temple will let me know on March 19th if I qualify or not. I know the road to recovery is long from an operation like this and I will need the support of my family and friends to get me threw it. If I qualify if will be worth it maybe then I will be able to breathe normal again.
Hey Ric, you know I will be there for you! SB....